Friday, December 11, 2009

100 Low Life presents: Messin' with Sasquatch.

There's a couple new adventures for Warno, including pilot Warno!

I flew the 206 with Sean to Fresno and back the other day. On the way back it began getting dark. The weather was great, but our company requires us to be IFR after dark unless we're within the vicinity of the airport, so we called up Norcal and asked for a clearance back to RHV. Here's an excerpt from the ensuing exchange the names have been changed to protect the confused:

Us: "Norcal Cessna 1234A level at eight thousand five hundred, request IFR to Reid Hillview."

Norcal: "1234A uhhhh.... *long pause* you can expect that uhh... later."

Us: "Okay."

Several minutes pass.

Us: "Norcal 1234A, any update on that IFR?"

Norcal: "Uhh... 1234A umm... I'm confused, why do you want an IFR? Are you asking because of IMC conditions?"

Us: "Negative, we're VMC, We're just looking to pick up an IFR clearance to Reid Hillview, company policy"

I don't think he heard the company policy part.

Norcal: "1234A okay.... um.... hang on a minute"

a minute or so passes.

Norcal: "1234A weather at Reid Hillview is better than 5000 and 5."

we're giggling at this point.

Us: "We know, we'd still like to pick up the IFR."

Norcal: "Uh... okay 1234A hang on a minute."

at this point we're both thoroughly amused.

Norcal: "1234A you're cleared to Reid Hillview airport via radar vectors descend and maintain eight thousand, squawk 4243."

Us: "Cleared to Reid Hillview via radar vectors eight thousand squawk 4243"

Norcal: "Readback correct. Uh.... which approach would you like?"

Sean and I look at each other, full on laughing at this point, we know that if we say the visual his head will explode.

Us: *giggling* "We'll take the GPS."

A staff of Hollywood writers couldn't write comedy like that.

The 206H is magnificent by the way. I highly recommend it.

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